March is busy with new babies pigs arriving. Three times a week now.The snow had me up and clearing snow by 5am Monday so when Madonna brings the babies she can turn her trailer around and back up to the barn. wet heavy snow drifts and soft driveways, man did I make a mess.
A lot of volunteering this month in Farm Bureau. calling and visiting people letting them know about Farm Bureau. We need to make sure members are happy and sell new members on why Farm Bureau is important to people who eat.
A new spokesperson training named EASE- Engage- Acknowledge- Share- Earn trust .
It is designed to help us have meaningful conversations about Food and Agriculture.
I try to do what I can because if we each do a little we can accomplish a better good for all.
Anyway I feel it is important to open these conversions about food production and be authentic representatives of food production.
Such a disconnect today due to most people are many generations removed from a farm background..
Internet and Media can spread good news fast as well as bad.
TRUTH can be hard to disseminate/ interpret.
So we all need to relate what we do and bring authenticity to the front.
Not having a college education I sometimes feel inadequate to convey a message.
I am not apologizing just putting it our there doing my part.
I am often told people like me are authentic and believable.
I hope I can earn your trust.
I am one of those that live farming everyday it is part of me as I am of it.
Please trust me and others like me to produce food in the best way we know.
Bacon Farmer
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